Milan - Derby della Madonnina antara Inter Milan melawan AC Milan dimenangi oleh Inter. Selain mememangi pertarungan penuh gengsi, La Beneamata juga sukses semakin mengokohkan posisi mereka di puncak klasemen.
Dalam pertandingan yang berlangsung di Stadion San Siro, Senin (16/2/2009) dinihari WIB, Inter relatif lebih dominan dalam hal penguasaan bola. Soccernet mencatat, tim arahan Jose Mourinho itu unggul perbandingan 55:45.
Dua gol Inter diciptakan Adriano dan Dejan Stankovic. Gol Adriano sedikit kontroversial karena, terlihat dari siaran ulang, bola sempat menyentuh tangannya sebelum masuk gawang. Sementara, satu-satunya gol Milan diciptakan oleh Alexandre Pato.
Hasil ini membuat Inter mengoleksi poin 56. Mereka kokoh di urutan pertama dengan keunggulan sembilan poin atas Juventus. Sedangkan Milan masih tetap berada di urutan tiga dengan poin 45.
Jalannya Pertandingan
Satu menit pertandingan berjalan, Inter sudah memperoleh peluang. berawal dari sebuah tendangan bebas, bola kemudian ditanduk oleh Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Namun, bola masih melabung di atas mistar gawang Christian Abbiati.
Sembilan menit berselang, bermula dari sepak pojok, Inter kembali menapatkan peluang. Namun sundulan Adriano bernasib sama dengan milik Ibrahimovic: melambung di atas gwang Abbiati.
Dejan Stankovic nyaris membuat Inter unggul di menit 18. Usai menerima operan Esteban Cambiasso, ia kemudian berdiri satu lawan satu dengan Abbiati. Namun, akibat lambat bereaksi, bola keburu ditekel oleh Massimo Ambrosini. Bukan gol yang tercipta, hanya sepak pojok.
Pada menit 21, gantian Milan yang mengancam gawang Inter. Rentetan operan pemain di daerah pertahanan Inter diakhiri oleh sebuah sontekan yang dilepaskan Alexandre Pato. Namun, Julio Cesar dengan sigap berhasil menepisnya.
Inter akhirnya unggul 1-0 pada menit 30 berkat gol Adriano. Gol tersebut dengan diawali umpan yang dilepaskan Maicon dan langsung disambar oleh L'Imperatore ke arah jala Abbiati.
Abbiati sempat mengangkat tangan sebagai tanda protes. Pasalnya, terlihat dari siaran ulang TV, bola sempat mengenai tangan Adriano sebelum bergulir ke arah gawang.
Dua menit menjelang turun minum, Stankovic membuat La Beneamata memperlebar keunggulan menjadi 2-0. Ia menciptakannya usai menerima bola hasil sundulan Zlatan Ibrahimovic yang jatuh ke jalur larinya. Tanpa ampun, pemain bernomor punggung 5 itu pun langsung melepaskan sebuah tembakan first time.
Dua menit memasuki babak kedua, Adriano lagi-lagi mengancam gawang Milan. Usai lepas dari kawalan Kakha Kaladze ia pun memiliki ruang bebas untuk melepaskan tendangan. Sial baginya, tembakannya masih melebar dari sasaran.
Menut 60 Ibrahimovic nyaris mencetak gol atas namanya dalam laga ini. Setelah menerima umpan terobosan Adriano, ia melepaskan sepakan kaki kiri ke arah tiang dekat. Hasilnya? Abbiati masih bisa menepis tendangannya itu.
Gawang Inter akhirnya bobol pada menit 73. Dimulai oleh umpan terobosan Ronaldinho kepada Marek Jankulovski yang berada di kotak penalti, bola kemudian diteruskan kepada Pato. Nama terakhir kemudian langsung melepaskan sepakan keras kaki kanan.
Lima menit setelahnya, Rossoneri sempat mencetak gol lewat kaki Filippo Inzaghi. Namun, gol tersebut dianulir lantaran Inzaghi sudah terperangkap offside. Kesal dengan keputusan tersebut, ia pun melancarkan protes seraya berteriak kepada hakim garis.
Inzaghi kembali mendapatkan peluang untuk mencetak gol pada menit 82. Sial bagi penyerang gaek Milan ini, sundulannya masih melambung di atas gawang Julio Cesar.
Sampai akhir pertandingan skor 2-1 untuk keunggulan Inter tetap tak berubah.
Susunan Pemain:
Inter Milan: Julio Cesar, Cristian Chivu, Walter Samuel, Esteban Cambiasso, Davide Santon, Maicon, Dejan Stankovic (Nicolas Burdisso 84), Sulley Muntari (Maxwell 88), Javier Zanetti, Adriano (Patrick Vieira 80), Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
AC Milan: Christian Abbiati, Kakha Kaladze (Philippe Senderos 77), Paolo Maldini, Marek Jankulovski, Giancluca Zambrotta, Andrea Pirlo, Massimo Ambrosini, David Beckham (Filippo Inzaghi 57), Alexandre Pato, Ronaldinho, Clarence Seedorf.
Derby della Madonnina between Inter Milan against AC Milan was defeated by Inter. Apart from the struggle was full of the prestige,
La Beneamata also the success increasingly strengthened their position in the peak of classification. In the match that took place in the San Siro Stadium, on Monday (16/2/2009) the dawn WIB, Inter relative more dominant in the matter of the ball command. Soccernet recorded, the team directed by Jose Mourinho was superior the comparison 55:45. Two Inter goals were created by Adriano and Dejan Stankovic.
The Adriano goal somewhat controversial because, was seen from the repeated broadcast, the ball could touch his hands before entering the goal. Now, the only Milan goal was created by Alexandre Pato. These results made Inter collect the point 56. They were firm in the first place with the superiority of nine upper Juventus
points. Whereas Milan still continue to was in the place of three with the point 45. The running of the Match One match minute went, Inter has received the opportunity. Started from a free kick, the ball was afterwards butted by Zlatan Ibrahimovic. However, the ball still melabung on the ruler of the goal of Christian Abbiati.Dejan Stankovic almost made Inter superior in the minute 18. After accepting the Esteban Cambiasso pass, he afterwards stood one opponent of one with Abbiati. However, resulting from slow reacted, the ball fastly was handled by Massimo Ambrosini. Not the goal that was created, only corner kicks. In the minute 21, gantian Milan that threatened the Inter goal.
The series of the player's pass was in the area of the Inter defence ended by one sontekan that was taken off by Alexandre Pato.
However, Julio Cesar efficiently succeeded in skimming him. Inter had finally been superior 1-0 in the minute 30 Adriano goal blessings. This goal by being preceeded bait that was released by Maicon and immediately was snatched by L'Imperatore to the side of the Abbiati net. Abbiati could lift the hands as the sign protested. His article, was seen from the repeated broadcast the TV, the ball could about the Adriano hands before moving on to the side of the goal.
Two minutes around descended drank, Stankovic made La Beneamata widened the superiority to 2-0. He created him after accepting the results ball heading by Zlatan Ibrahimovic that fell to the route ran him. Without the pardon, the player was number 5 make a second goal of inter inter lead 2-0
Second Half
Two minutes entered the second round, Adriano again and again threatened the Milan goal. After being free from the guard Kakha Kaladze he then had space free to give a kick. Unfortunately for him, his shooting was still widening from the target. 60 Ibrahimovic almost printed the goal on behalf of him in this fight. After accepting Adriano breakthrough bait, he released the kick foot left to the side of the close pole. Results? Abbiati could be still skimming his kick.
The Inter goal had finally collapsed in the minute 73.
Was begun by Ronaldinho breakthrough bait to Marek Jankulovski that was in the box of the penalty, the ball was afterwards continued to Pato. The last name afterwards at once released the hard kick foot right. Five minutes after him, Rossoneri could print the goal through foot Filippo Inzaghi. However, this goal was annulled by the Inzaghi reason has been trapped offside. Annoyed with this decision, he then expedited the protest while shouting at the line judge. Inzaghi again got the opportunity of printing the goal in the minute 82. Unfortunately for the aggressor g Milan this, he's heading him still bounced above
Inter Menangi Derby Milan;The Nerazzurri were triumphant earlier tonight, as they roared to a 2-1 victory in the Derby della Madonnina at the San Siro
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2 komentar:
wah update bgt beritanya,padhal baru tanding tadi malem???salut...tapi sebagai Milanisti aku kecewa dengan kekalahan Milan,tapi tetap semangat aja..bravo milan!!!
yooi bung andry saking senegnya nih
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